President’s Message – Understanding Your Family Business

Pitchers and Catchers Report Next Week!!!

Of course, that has nothing to do with my topic this month, but I wanted to remind you all that spring (training) is just around the corner.  If you’re like me, this is the time of year when I’m preparing for the rest of the year – and for the future.  This is the time of the year when I have an off-site with my team and we reflect on some very deep and important questions like:

  • Do we have a culture of healthy communication? Are our actions creating trust and harmony among our ranks or destroying it?
  • Do we have a clearly written business philosophy that everyone in the business understands and buys into?  Are we all pulling in the same direction or are we working at cross-purposes?
  • Do all our “family” members know where they stand in regards to performance and expectations? Regardless of bloodlines, do we have the right folks in the right seats on the bus?
  • Are we adequately preparing the next generation of leaders for our business?   How prepared are we if the spaghetti truck comes around today?

As the leader, I am either making it easier for my team to succeed or I’m making it harder.  Either way, I need to know.

Funny thing, I never thought much in these terms until I joined the EFBC.  Granted, I still need to think like this more often, but the accountability to my forum-mates and the EFBC’s educational programming have forced me to deal with and resolve some very serious issues that would have lingered if the EFBC hadn’t been in my life.

If you are in a family business and cannot answer strongly in the affirmative to my four questions, then you need to gather up your clan for a course built to help you find those answers. Your next opportunity comes on February 16th with ROOTS: A Course for Anchoring Your Business, where you’ll learn the Twelve Best Practices of Successful Family Businesses and get a jump-start on answering those ever-important questions.

Why would you continue to procrastinate with your family’s future?

Jeff Conner
Liners Direct
EFBC President 2016-2017

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This entry was posted in Blog and tagged . Posted on February 7th, 2017 by CFBCatDePaul